

22.11.2019 |


30.01.2018 |


12.04.2013 | New rating

We have a new rating system on our site. Let us briefly describe its features:

1) Rating depends only on your results in problemset archive.

2) For every accepted problem you get amount of points equal to problem cost (you can see problem cost in contest information page).

3) Problem cost depends on amount of accepted submissions - more accepted submissions - less problem cost.


6.02.2013 | Lessons for second year pupils 2012-2013

First lesson is going to be on 08, February 2013, hall 241, main building PetrSU.


6.02.2013 | Lectures for second year pupils.

Lectures for second year pupils will be held on wednesdays from February, 13.


16.01.2013 | Small updates on site

Here is a small update on our site. First, we can see game problems archive in the main menu. Second, users, who have any submissions for problems, which exist in problemset archive or game problems archive, are automatically added to those contest. Third, problemset results page are tuned a bit, for example, you can see your avatar there.


14.01.2013 | English version of our site is opened

We are glad to announce that now we have an english version of our site. Although it is not so much developed as russian version, it will include some virtual contests to participate and of course our problemset archive. Unfortunately we do not have english versions of statements for every problem in the problemset, but we will fix it soon.