0141. Parentheses
Имя входного файла: | paren.in |
Имя выходного файла: | paren.out |
Ограничение по времени: | 500 ms |
Ограничение по памяти: | 64 megabytes |
Generate correct parenthesis sequences in lexicographic order.
Correct parenthesis sequences are given by the rule S ::= ()|(S)|SS
Lexicographic order is imposed by assuming ( less than ).
Input file
Input file contains one integer number n, (1 ≤ n ≤ 10).
Output file
Output all correct parenthesis sequences of length 2n, one sequence a line, without spaces.
paren.in | paren.out |
3 | ((())) (()()) (())() ()(()) ()()() |
Источник: Petrozavodsk Summer 2003. Blitz Kontest, Monday, August 25
Автор: Andrew Lopatin, Nick Durov
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