0196. Strange things

Имя входного файла: strange.in
Имя выходного файла: strange.out
Ограничение по времени: 2 s
Ограничение по памяти: 32 megabytes

Long time ago one famous scientist constructed the strange function and the strange sequence. He took some integer positive number N and wrote the following sequence: A1 = F(2N,1), A2 = F(2N,3), A3 = F(2N,5)AN = F(2N,2N-1) where F(P,Q) is a strange function, which was constructed by the following rules:

  1. For each integer positive number Q : F(0,Q) = 0
  2. For each integer non-negative number P : F(P,0) = 1
  3. Otherwise F(P,Q) = F(P-1,Q-1) + F(P-1,Q)

But the primary goal of his research was the strange function X(N). He denoted by X(N) the greatest common divisor of the numbers A1…AN. He finished exploring this problem after some years of unsuccessful attempts. So, as you understand, your task is quite simple. You have to calculate function X(N) for a given positive integer N.

Input file

Input file contains one integer number N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1010000).

Output file

You must output X(N).



Источник: Petrozavodsk Summer 2003. Saratov SU Contest, Wednesday, August 27

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